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July 6, 2012

Rahm Emanuel to name Chicago Infrastructure Trust board

City of Chicago, Mayor Rahm Emanuel recently announced the creation of the Chicago Infrastructure Trust. This program-- a joint venture with President William Clinton’s Global Initiative and the City of Chicago-- aims to use Public/Private Partnerships to fund public infrastructure projects.

SPAAN Tech, Inc. President, Smita N. Shah, P.E., wrote her Oxford thesis on the use of Public/Private Partnerships to develop US infrastructure and believes strongly in the principles behind this endeavor. Ms. Shah commented, “this [joint venture project] is an exciting way to address the major deficits in infrastructure spending that exists throughout the country and in the city. Infrastructure development has been an issue since I wrote my thesis in 1996, and according to the ASCE report card, we are not doing any better. The development of infrastructure is not only important to the public good for safety, but is also a significant factor in creating jobs both up and down the ladder.”

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