PortfolioU.S. Department of Energy Program Management

U.S. Department of Energy Program Management

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U.S. Department of Energy Program Management

SPAAN Tech, Inc. provided technical engineering andadministrative and scientific support services to the Chicago Operations Offices of the Department of Energy (DOE). SPAAN Tech served the Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Program and Project Management, Environmental Management Office, and the Plutonium Disassembly and Conversion Facility. Our work was at New Brunswick Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory and Argonne National Laboratory.

Our work included project planning, management and control, strategic planning, budget analysis, quality assurance, cost estimation and validation, regulatory analysis, logistics planning, requirements determination, safety and human performance analysis, graphic arts, web design, security engineering, technical writing and editing, and office management. SPAAN Tech also provided DOE's Chicago Operations Office health physics program management, environmental safety and health, facility operations and maintenance support. SPAAN Tech consistently achieves the highest ratings in evaluations of their work.