PortfolioO’Hare Airport – Air Handling Unit Replacement in Rotunda Basement and H&R Plant

O’Hare Airport – Air Handling Unit Replacement in Rotunda Basement and H&R Plant

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Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Department of Aviation
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O’Hare Airport – Air Handling Unit Replacement in Rotunda Basement and H&R Plant

This project included demolition and removal of the existing air handling unit system and installation of new air handling units and associated return and exhaust fans, duct work, low temperature water piping, chilled water piping, and building management and control systems.

SPAAN Tech provided engineering services for the replacement of three existing heat exchangers and associated pumps and electrical work in both the rotunda basement and the H&R Plant.

To reduce total energy consumption and maintenance/operation costs, SPAAN Tech performed a cost analysis of a series of heat exchanger and associated pump options for the design of the new commissary.