PortfolioO'Hare Runway 9L-27R Pavement, Lighting and NAVAIDs Design

O'Hare Runway 9L-27R Pavement, Lighting and NAVAIDs Design

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Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Department of Aviation
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O'Hare Runway 9L-27R Pavement, Lighting and NAVAIDs Design

The construction of a new runway, 9L-27R, at Chicago O’Hare International Airport is part of the O’Hare Modernization Program (OMP). A member of the joint venture team, SPAAN Tech, Inc. provided lead electrical engineering services that helped to design and prepare construction documents for airfield electrical, lighting, signage, wind cones, and pavement sensors for the new runway and associated taxiways. SPAAN Tech also provided quality assurance and quality control reviews.

SPAAN Tech also designed the VISAIDS and NAVAIDS facilities for ease of disassembly or relocation. Our design salvaged and reused existing NAVAIDS and VISAIDS equipment, and all excavation, concrete, and asphalt waste were considered for re-use on-site.